“The power that made the body heals the body.” - B.J. Palmer.
(B.J. Palmer known as the developer of Chiropractic Medicine, the son of D.D. Palmer who is the founder of Chiropractic Medicine).
As no two patients are the same, chiropractic care is individualized to the patient. A chiropractic assessment helps determine what will bring the most therapeutic value to the patient.
Chiropractic care can include: non-force, light touch, and traditional high velocity techniques. These techniques are completed by hand or instrument assisted equipment, which means the patient receives a customized treatment focused on their specific needs. Chiropractic adjustments are performed on each patient to aid in relieving symptoms and for preventative care. The body’s own innate intelligence works with the chiropractic treatment for one’s body to heal itself.
The chiropractic principle and theory states that proper structural alignment of your body allows the nervous system to function accurately. The nervous system functions as the master communicator throughout the entire body and most importantly for the brain-body-connection.